watermelon,hamburger,hot dog, ice cream,salad,sandwich,
配料:butter,cheese,salt, sugar

1.垃圾食品 junk food
2.拿回来 get back
3.单价unit price
4.多少钱(询问价格) how much
5.多少(可数名词) how many
6.想要 would like
7.给某人点餐 take one’s order
8.一杯 a glass/cup of
9.有点 kind of
10.许多 lots of
11.在吃饭的时候 at meals
12.健康食物 healthy food
13.遍及全世界 all over the world
14.在特殊的节日期间 during special holidays
单价 unit price
重量 weight
蔬菜 vegetable
水果 fruit

1.一份绿叶蔬菜沙拉 a green salad
2.想,想要(做).. would like (to do)…
3.一杯牛奶 a glass of milk
4.橙汁 orange juice
5.一杯咖啡 a cup of coffee
6.热狗 hot dog
7.请问您可以点餐了吗 May I take your order,please?
8.那么你呢? How/What about you?

1.引人深思的想法 food for thought
2.一支顶尖的足球队 a top football team
3.有点儿 kind of
4.许多鱼 lots of fish
5.像那样 like that
6.在一餐中 at one meal
7.变重 get heavy
8.做训练 do exercises

1.在吃饭的时候 at meals
2.大量的,许多的 a lot of/lots of
3.健康食物 healthy food
4.加糖的饮料 drinks with sugar
5.大多数学生 most students
6.多于两个 more than two
7.垃圾食品 junk food
8.在我们班 in our class
9.与……相同 the same as
10.和……不同 be different from

玩一整天 play all day
回家 go home
做蛋糕 make a case
总价 total cost
多少钱 how much
一碗 a bow of
一些汤 some soap
两块 two prices of
点单 take one’s order
每天 every day
……怎么样 how/what about
想要做某事 would like/want to do sth.
有点儿 kink of
其他人 other people
一餐 at one meal
什么食物 what food
每个人 each person
奶酪三明治 cheese sandwiches
引人深思的想法 food for thought

文档更新时间: 2024-04-15 07:55   作者:月影鹏鹏